Fabs Dartmouth Weekend away May 2024


The club had a fantastic weekend away to Dartmouth on the 25th & 26th May 2024. Fab led the ride from Nth Melbourne to our 2nd pickup point in Eltham. We then traveled via Kinglake, Yea, Bonnie Doon, Mansfield, Moyhu & Myrtleford before arriving in Dartmouth late afternoon, having racked up a glorious ride of approximately 420kms.

Tony joined us about 90mins later, as he had an unfortunate event happen within the the Eastlink tunnel, requiring him to retrace his ride and try to locate his luggage which decided to depart beteween home & Springvale road. Said luggage was later retrieved from Eastlink, in a somewhat flat, and sorry state, having been runover by several vehicles!

We had a enjoyable dinner with “the locals” at the Dartmouth Pub, which is stuck in the 1970s from when it was erected, the bartenders having to turn off some lights to get us to leave around 8pm after the locals all scattered home before us. Nigel started a Baileys craze which ended up in some VERY generous sized drink measures served as pots!


After a comfy nights sleep where it was -3 overnight, we arose to a very frosty morning & headed to the river & up the mountain to the Dartmouth Dam wall for photos & an epic wall of frost flowing over the dam wall, a truly beautiful sight!

We then meandered back through Dartmouth to have Breakfast in the gorgeous hamlet of Mitta Mitta. Belly’s full & ready to roll, we then headed through epic Autumn scenery at Tangambalanga, Yackandandah & stopped for Brunch at the stunning Stanley pub. (If ever you’re in the vicinity, it’s worth a visit!).

This caffeine fix allowed us to continue on via backroads to Beechworth, Tarrawingee, Moyhu, King Valley before stopping for a late lunch at Whitfield. After another scrumptious meal, we scooted home via Tolmie, Mansfield, Bonnie Doon, Yarck back to Melbourne. Another trek of around 400kms, with truly magic scenery, and equally beautiful weather!

Thanks for all who attended this fantastic weekend.


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Posted on

31 May 2024

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